Thursday, January 7, 2010


What do you do when everybody just WON'T LISTEN!

They don't cabaceo, they don't dance close embrace, they eat up the floor with space-hogging combinations, they step backwards against the line of dance, in short, they RUIN TANGO!

If EVERYONE ELSE is the problem, well, you've got a real problem. What in the heck can you possibly do about everyone else? You're on a long road, my friend.

Then it becomes time to question your motivation. What is it that you really want to accomplish?

Answer: CONTROLLING other people.

Instead of controlling other people, there are all sorts of things you could do about yourself. You could refuse to dance with people who don't invite you the way you like. You could refuse to dance with people that don't dance the way you like. If the place is filled with dancing you don't like you could find other places, or if there aren't any you could host your own private parties. You could move to Argentina. Your own behavior is within your power.

You aren't going to change EVERYONE ELSE. Confront this, and you see readily that you are powerless to do that.

Just like the rest of life, serenity in tango can best be found like this:

God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things that I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

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